Our seventh Sign Magic Workshop is now only days away. We hold these workshops twice each year for serious sign makers who want to learn how we design and create our projects. We’ve been privileged to have professionals attend from literally around the world. It’s our hope to share what has taken us decades to master in only three brief days of workshop. It’s a tall order and a job we take very seriously!
As the workshop approaches activity around our house and shop increases dramatically. The CNC router has been busy all week creating the sample panels that each attendee will work on when they come. There are four samples for each person plus some spares - making for a total of about 90 samples needed. We also design, carve and paint a name panel for each person to present to them as the arrive - all different of course. Since we will take all our home cooked meals right in the shop it makes for many buggies of groceries to be bought and readied for the 3 days of the workshop. The fridges are stocked full of beverages.
The shop is dusted and cleaned of clutter from one end to the other. New eye candy is hung in preparation. The tools we need are checked, cleaned and laid out in readiness. Tables and chairs are brought out of storage and dusted off. Paint and brushes are stocked up in readiness. The gras is trimmed, the parking lot os swept, all is almost ready. I send out last minute emails to those who will soon travel so far to come to our shop. Excitement builds!
As the lasst days quickly go by I review my notes, check ,y slide presentations, finalize the plans, making sure all is perfect. The demonstration projects are all laid out in various stages of completion... it’s almost time once more to welcome our guests to Yarrow. This is going to be FUN!
-grampa dan