Our driveway to the shop at the back of our property is almost four hundred feet long. Sometimes folks (including me) are tempted to drive a little fast in their hurry to get there. We created a unique dimensional sign to capture their attention and perhaps slow them down in a friendly fashion. With the installation of the new squirrel mailbox It didn’t take long to come up with a for our new and improved speed limit sign for the driveway. In the five years since the last sign was made we have discovered many modern materials and advanced methods of building our projects.
These discoveries mean we can incorporate a LOT more detail into the final project than we could a few short years ago. And with the new materials, methods and tools our time on the project doesn’t change much from what it was back when we did everything by hand even though the finished result is vastly improved. Although the old sign got lots of attention from passersby the new one should really be a traffic stopper.
Best of all the project should be even more fun than the mailbox...
-grampa dan