People are often drawn to our unique dimensional, landmark type signs, wanting something similar for their business. Then the challenges start. Often they come to me, logo in hand. The logo or image they have is... well... conventional and perhaps even a bit boring. Often it had been designed by another professional and has been used for years.
The clients who come to me desperately want something new and fresh, but are reluctant to let go of the conventional image. They want to play it safe. It's a design dilemma. It’s kind of like wanting to take a trip without leaving home.
They ask for something 'like your sign' meaning the ship sailing through the moon which we have out front. They want that impact but with their current logo, which was designed to be used flat. They desire a land-mark image using something that is designed to blend into everything else around.
The signs we are known for most often are pretty bold statements which defy convention. They are designed from the outset to be built as three dimensional pieces and viewed from multiple angles. These successful projects are brought to me by trusting people. We discuss their needs and desires, then they leave me to do what I do best. The solutions we come up with always surprise our clients. I hear ‘that it is something they would never have thought of...’
And THAT is the whole idea of the exercise.
-grampa dan