9 entrance to golf

As I dug through old files today, looking for some pictures of  Giggle Ridge I came across a bunch of concept drawings for an ambitious project we almost took on. The idea was to expand our small theme park by doubling it’s size, adding a railroad, and bumper boats with a good sized ‘mountain’ as  the centerpiece. Inside the mountain we would build a workshop, studio and house. We would spend our summers at the park, the bulk of our time, managing and maintaining the facility. For the other nine months of the year we would get to live in our own personal ‘Disneyland’, unbothered by guests. It was a cool dream to say the least.

bumper boats

Our plans were developed and steps taken to make it a reality. We even reserved the domain name giggleridgestudios .com and designed our new logo, stationary and signs. But a variety of things happened to derail our plans. The dream was tucked away and became one of those things that might have been.

Ultimately, we bought our current property instead of expanding Giggle Ridge. Now, almost a decade later we are putting the original adventure golf on the market, and changing directions once again, content with the path we chose.

bucky's bay sign

Today, as I looked over those old plans it made me smile. I remembered the many hours of dreaming, drawing and planning. It was pretty exciting at the time. The plans looked great, even now after more than 10 years had passed. The 30 drawings were reformatted as PDF’s and included in the package to the realtor. Who knows? The new owner, whoever they may be, may like some of the ideas I drew back then and we may yet build from those plans.

If not, it’s OK too. It ‘s always fun to dream.

-grampa dan