welding connections

This morning when I woke up I was determined to finish the board room table to a point it was done until we put into place. It was a big challenge but one I felt I could handle. I had spent a good deal of yesterday running to every supplier I could think of to gather the pieces I needed.


Using my plasma cutter I burned 24 holes in the large pipe and then welded in the small threaded pipes to which we would fasten the electrical and computer connections. Then I did the last of the grinding to make everything nice and shiny. It wouldn’t stay that way for long...

Then came the marine life - hundreds of barnacles and a few star fish to add a little more nautical flavor. Once the epoxy had set I did the base coats and then applied the mild acid to quickly start the rust process I wanted. It worked so fast I could see the rust forming before my eyes. It was pure magic.


Then I pulled it out into the daylight. The final rust patina is much more even if it happens outside rather than in the shop. WIth all the projects we have underway I needed to room inside too.

Tomorrow I’ll spend a little time out in the sunshine and paint up the starfish and attend to the last minute details. This is going to be the coolest room ever!

-grampa dan