door assembly

Every board room needs a white board. But in the MultiCam sub room a plain old white board would look out of place... well, like a fish out of water. That wouldn’t do. It stumped me for a little while, but then I thought of a cool idea. I would hide it behind a door. And it would look like a real authentic submarine door to boot!

The door is a good size, measuring about four feet tall and three feet wide. It is made up of three layers of materials and has a sturdy angle iron frame to keep the door nice and true. It feels as heavy as the real thing. :) As a final detail on the door I added ‘YARROW SHIPYARD’ which a subtle way of signing the room of course.

I’ll be adding a few more details in the coming days including plenty of rivets, a crank handle and perhaps a few barnacles and a star fish for good measure. The white board will cover the inside of the frame and the back of the door providing plenty of space to draw creative ideas. It will be but one more detail in a room filled to the ceiling with creativity. 

While I was working on this project my mind was racing ahead to the primary eye candy which will be the focal point of the room. I have it all planned out in my head and my sketchbook is full of notes and scribbles. I’ll save that for the next post which will come soon. Stay tuned...

-grampa dan