
I often get asked just where it is I come up with all my ideas. The second most asked question is if I will ever run out of ideas. The questions makes me wonder sometimes but I think I know the answers.

I don’t believe I come up with many truly original ideas. I make it a point to fill my brain with new ideas all the time. My library contains over 1400 volumes which I read and re-read regularly. Periodicals and other publications fill many more shelves in my studio. Hundreds of figurines, statues and toys fill my shelves. Scores of sketchbooks are full of notes and drawings of things I’ve seen and I have tens of thousands of photographs on file as well. The internet is now a valuable resource for reference material at my beckon call. I enjoy traveling to new places and seeing what there is to see. My grand daughter Phoebe, now five years old has taught me a ton of things since she’s been around. Mostly it is about looking at the world around me with awe and taking the time to really see what most people miss or take for granted.

When I need an idea I use my reference material to help me out. I won’t copy directly. But all that material provides plenty of inspiration when I need it. A little bit here and there, combined with ideas stored in my head are combined to form something never seen before. It works every time.

With each project we tackle I go a little further down the creative road, building my experience and knowledge. Will I ever run out of ideas or reach the peak of my abilities? I don’t think so. It’s simply not possible - especially as long as I have the passion to keep learning. There are certainly lots of people who know a lot more than me and that have done things I’ve yet to try. They inspire me as well.

I’m looking forward to many more exciting years on this exciting journey of learning. I believe the best is yet to come. Stay tuned...

-grampa dan