Evolution of an idea...

The ideas we dream upon seldom come out of our heads fully formed. Often they need considerable tweaking, for both the idea’s sake and to accommodate the realities of the project. These modifications come about over time most often. We will discuss an idea and then I’ll go to the drawing board. This first attempt is discussed, reworked and then often reworked once again. Space limitations, the need to move, transport or assemble later also mandate some practical changes. Even after the project is green lighted we get better ideas that are worth incorporating. As we disassembled last year’s trade show booth and started measuring things up, making chalk drawings on the floor, the walk-behind jet kabob changed considerably. It needed to be much narrower, taller and a little less long as well to fit comfortably in the available space. It was obviously time to go back to the drawing board for another go at the design. With the second concept sketched out, things are looking much better but I suspect there’s still some significant changes yet to be made as we start to build. Stay tuned…
