Mobile couch.

Last night I managed something of a milestone on the 1910 Overland hot rod project. After much measuring, head scratching, cutting and fitting, the upholstered seat was fitted in to the formed steel riser which I had welded to the structure of the body. Thirty years ago we built the seat riser first, then a wooden insert and then the upholstery was custom fitted to that. This time around the process was reversed which made it a little trickier. It made me smile as I climbed into the cockpit of the speedster and try it out. It was comfortable! The imaginary test ride motivates me to continue this project and I’m looking forward to test fitting the new body on the frame. For now, I’ll tuck the button tufted seat away somewhere safe and then I have a whole lot of finish welding and grinding to do before it is permanently installed. Slowly this fun little project is coming together. Stay tuned…

seat fitted s.png