Pancake courage

Christmas is about celebrating family and remembering fond memories too. This evening I was reminded of a Christmas season ten years ago, when Phoebe was just turning five. I kept a journal then of our many adventures together. On looking back this is the story I found… A couple of Saturdays before Christmas Santa was hosting a breakfast for the kids in our small town. We asked Phoebe if she wanted to go. She answered YES! very enthusiastically. So early Saturday morning Grandma and grampa picked Phoebe up at her house and headed down to the community centre. Sure enough Santa was holding court in the far corner of the hall as we entered. Rather than go straight to Santa we lined up for pancakes while Phoebe worked up the courage to visit the jolly elf. It seems she needed lots of courage for no less than six pancakes, with plenty of maple syrup satisfied her. Then she was at last ready to greet the BIG guy. She hopped up in his lap and told him she would like a book, Pet Shop animals and ‘everything from Sears’. We weren’t quite sure what she meant but we figured she must have been reading the Christmas Wish Catalogue that used to get delivered each year. We took careful note of Phoebe’s wishes of course.

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