It was my original goal to finish my Sign Invitational entry by the New Year… but life, the new hot rod project, and a hundred other things toasted that ambitious plan. So, two weeks later, the piece is finally done, still well ahead of the contest deadline. I am very pleased with how it turned out. The sound effects, thanks to the incredible efforts of my friend Jim Wells of are just fabulous. And the lit head and tail lights (not pictured) add a nice bit of sparkle. Overall the finished piece is very much what I had in mind when I scribbled the first concept in my sketch book at last year’s competition eight months ago. One late addition, thanks to my friend (and fierce competitor) Jim Dawson’s brilliance is the name on the sideboard… ‘Les Ismore SIGNS’. This brings the piece fully within the theme of this year’s competition ‘Less is more!’.
