Back in the saddle

When COVID and the high waters of spring season hit I stopped riding my bike along the trails temporarily. Many sections of the trails along the river were closed due to flooding. Since then I got out of the habit of a good long ride each day. Later, the summer heat and business of our shop made it easy to just let it slide for a while. I still jumped on the bike for short trips in town but missed those longer rides along the river. Janis (and I) noticed that I was starting to get a little rounder shape of late and she encouraged me to get active once again. This morning I decided it was time to get back on the trail once more and headed down to the river for a twenty kilometre ride. It didn’t take long to get back in the groove and the scenery was as beautiful as ever, with the last of the fall colours on the trees. Since the salmon are spawning, the wildlife was plentiful as I blasted over the trails. I stopped just long enough to snap a picture of this eagle that was sitting in a tree less than 15 feet off the trail. It felt good to be back in the saddle once more!

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