All aboard!

I’ve long loved trains. In fact, we have a 15” gauge train in progress (almost done) that runs around the perimeter of our property. Every grampa and grandchild should be so lucky! We are currently working on the preliminary plans for a similarly scaled railway for a customer. This gives me a chance to dive into train research in a big way which I love. I have a ton of books and some good friends in the industry. I love digging into the history as we create our story. In this case we are considering a 2-6-0 Porter with a four wheel tender plus ten mining cars that will transport guests. While live steam would be awesome it isn’t practical for a theme park. This one will be battery power for silent and efficient operation. We’ll add the necessary sounds electronically. We are working with our friends at Hillcrest Trains once again to build the engine chassis and cars. We’ll build the train engine body. These talented folks helped us out with the pirate train for our Trinidad project a few years ago and did an awesome job!

Porter 2-6-0 with tender s.png