Unselfish kindness

I’ve heard so many stories of late of people who are being so kind to those around them . That is heartening. Today, it was our turn to be on the receiving end. The current COVID19 situation has upended just about everything including our normal supply chains for the special materials we use in our shop. Last week we took inventory and noticed our sculpting epoxy was a little low for our current workload. Normally we just order more and it does not cause a disruption. But my usual supplier didn’t respond to my emails and phone calls. Understandable as they were most likely under a curfew in their area. A second and third source could only give me a partial order of what we needed. But I knew my friend Jim Dawson (Synergy Graphix) from Ohio normally stocks a fair supply of these materials so I gave him a call. He checked his inventory and he too was a little low. But he gave his supplier a call and they sent out a drop shipment to us within the hour - billed to my good friend in Ohio for reasons of expediency. Jim did all of this in spite of an approaching deadline to a state lockdown in a few hours and with plenty of things of his own to do I’m sure. That is unselfish kindness at it’s best! Thank you my friend!

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