Zipping off on an adventure

Since Phoebe was young we have enjoyed summer adventures together. Her dream adventures have been varied through the years. We’ve watched the Royal Canadian Mounted Police musical ride, attended the Abbotsford Airshow, gone to the country fair to pet a pig, drove go-karts, gone bike riding, done zip lining and a whole lot more. Phoebe’s job is to pick the adventure each year and grampa’s job is to make it happen. This year our summer adventure was zip lining in the Okanagan. We headed down the road at 6:00 am in the Jeep with the top off (grampas need to have fun too). The temperatures were very cool (9 C - 48 F) as we watched the sunrise driving through the mountain passes on the way there. It was plenty warm (35 C - 95 F) on the return drive home. The trip was about 350 kilometres in each direction so it was a long day. The Peachland Ziplines are wonderful fun with six trips back and forth across the very deep canyon and some steep hikes in-between. The highest zipline is 381 feet off the canyon floor. The fastest is 80 kilometres an hour. Both Phoebe and grampa showed no fear.. Covid restrictions and precautions were observed throughout.

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