Behind door number two

It’s been very cool and damp the last couple of days so I headed back to the shop to work on a project I’ve been itching to do for a while. The garden door for the Under Hill suite needs to be truly magical. We wanted to build a gate that was almost round which can be challenging to make it swing properly. The space we had to work with was almost six feet wide and it needed to be seven feet tall. After trying a few designs we settled on a tree that mimics the Hazelnut Inn logo. The door has a fir tongue and groove insert with a welded steel frame. The back side of the door is flat plasma cut steel (pictured below). The other side will sport a mirror of this tree but it will be fully dimensional to create a truly dramatic and magical entry. Yesterday was spent designing the door and today I finished the bulk of the plasma cutting and did the first bit of assembly and welding. It is going to be a brute to install but it’s going to be very cool when it is in place! Stay tuned for more progress…

underhill garden door day 2 s.png