One upping my neighbor

Rumour has it I am competitive at times. I do LOVE to win! One of my favourite competitors is my good neighbor and awesome friend Gord. It’s been going on for almost two decades. Mostly it is about the silliest of things and always with the greatest of joy. His shop is two feet taller than ours - on purpose. I have the newest tractor (for now). Gord’s won the ‘pig of the month’ trophy more times however by acquiring more non-necessary toys (by far) than I. Lately the competition has shifted to who can do the most for the other guy. If he borrows our fork lift it is returned with a full tank of propane. If he needs a bracket or fitting on one of his machines we happily fabricate it. Last week a front tire on our riding mower developed a leak. The tire needed replacing and I didn’t want to buy a new one as the mower is due to be replaced in the not too distant future. I asked Gord if he had a spare in his vast collection of parts and pieces. He took the mower and returned it today. To my surprise it now sported two brand new front tires. The front axle had also been rebuilt. When I asked how much he just smiled and told me the good fairies had obviously been busy. Now, I’m going to have to look for the next good opportunity to even the score and hopefully pull into the lead once more…

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