Walking the tightrope

It has always been our policy not to give away concept work on speculation. After all, artwork and ideas, once shared, can’t simply be taken back. And we know our ideas have value. However, the flip side of that coin is that the ideas we have in our head aren’t easily explained. Often, we need to do a little teaser piece of artwork to share with our potential clients, just to help them understand what we can do. In the process, we hope to express an idea that is somewhat grander and more imaginative than what they may have originally been considering. It is a bit of a tightrope, but we make it clear that this artwork remains our property, protected by copywrite, until such time as it is paid for. Our ‘gamble’ often works, even if our first concept sketch misses the mark a little. When it does work, the next step is to enter a design contract for the project and get down to business for real. This was just such a teaser for a project now being designed for a new client.

treehouse concept.jpg