Almost ready to work in 2022

Peter poked into the shop yesterday as I was working on my new work table. He spent a LONG time admiring it and I believe I may have noted just a touch of envy. While we always like to share tools and work spaces in our shop there has been the occasion when Peter of Matt have taken over my workspace when I was busy somewhere else (for just a minute). Today, as I fabricated the electrical mounting hardware and boxes along with the bench vise mount and various tool hooks I decided to add some grounding tabs on both ends of the table legs for the welder ground to clamp onto. Rather than building something plain I decided to cut some fancy shapes on the plasma cutter. As I contemplated what shape to cut I remembered the touch of envy I noted yesterday when Peter was admiring my work. So I cut my initials (rather large) to use as the grounding tabs. Just maybe, when Peter or Matt are tempted to take over my beautiful new workstation they just might just remember who works in this spot. But then again I am often told I am over optimistic.