Holding up our end of the bargain

We’ve all received packages and when we excitedly opened them we were disappointed to find the contents inside were damaged. While sometimes unexpected things do happen in transit, on most occasions it is simply a matter of packing things right. When the cargo is simply massive and weighs in at many thousands of pounds it gets a little more complicated. We are currently readying the world’s largest hand pump for transit to the Clovermead Adventure Farm in Ontario. It won’t be plopped on the flatbed truck with some straps thrown over it to secure it. While the pump is plenty sturdy and could handle just about anything, we don’t want the paint scratched or scuffed. So we fabricated rather complex custom bracket for each end which will hold the pump securely. The brackets will provide a place for the trucker’s tie downs and also serve as lifting points as well. When the load arrives at the farm the owner will have a handy set of instructions of where to lift, what order to do things and how to put it all together one last time. We’ll also send along some touchup paint, just in case, but it is our hope they will have no need to use it.