Henry - the mechanic

Henry was VERY excited to see his new car which we are working on for the Yarrow Day’s parade which happens in ten days. After a quick test drive (he of course insisted on doing the driving). while grampa worked the gas and brakes) Henry helped smooth on a little sculpting epoxy. Being four years old, he was soon distracted by all of the shiny tools in his tool drawer. He brought out his wrenches and made sure the lug nuts were good and tight. Then he noticed the tire gauge on the floor. I showed him how to use it and he checked all four tires - three times, putting in a little more air as needed. Henry then brought out the floor jack and creeper to check underneath the car. I insisted he used jack stands and safety eyewear. He spent considerable time under the car checking everything…. then we let it back on it’s wheels and it was time for a test drive again and once again for good measure. Henry worked more than four hours along side of Matt and I. We made great progress on the little jalopy. We are counting the days until the parade. We’ll be ready for sure!