Happy thanksgiving!

It is Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada. We have so much to be thankful for! Family is of course at the very top of my list. My best friend, Janis & I have been married for almost fifty years and have been partners in business for almost as long. That same business is thriving as our kids take the reins and take us to new heights. We are thankful we get to see our three grandkids almost every day and see them grow up before our eyes. Thankfully, we are privileged to continue to work with our kids each and every day. There’s not a day that I’m not grateful that we get to work in our backyard, in a wonderfully equipped studio/shop, on a small acreage in a most beautiful small town. I am thankful for the small but talented team of employees who are like family to us. We are thankful that we get to do so many imaginative projects for wonderful customers who return year after year. And of course, I am especially grateful for good health, having experienced open heart surgery and a quick recovery this spring. Life is so good!