A wonderful dragon emerges

It isn’t often I post pictures of features that have the concrete applied but not yet carved. I’m still staying out of the shop this week to ensure the safety and peace of mind of our family and crew but I knew they were sculpting the dragon today. I couldn’t resist sneaking out to the shop when they were taking their lunch and took a quick preview. The mud was slathered on thick and was still setting prior to carving. I was specifically curious about how they would be handling the texture. I wasn’t disappointed for he was looking fabulous - even in this raw state. They had literally thrown gobs of mud onto the first troweled coat to create the random texture over the back and tail. After their lunch break, the talented crew would come back with all manner of tools to sculpt in the fine details. I’ll go back tonight to get a look and I’m positive I’ll be delighted. I’ll post the pictures I snap tomorrow. Stay tuned…