Almost time

Our driveway is larger than most, measuring 400 feet long in total and between twelve and fifty-five feet wide. The widest section is in front of the shop. It sounds like a lot of space and normally is more than adequate. But occasionally this large space fill to the bursting point with every square inch full of completed work and materials still to be used on the current projects. During the last week, we’ve been busy preparing for a large shipment which is bound for NEB’s Fun World in Ontario. That means a total reorganization of the yard. First thing Friday morning the first of four fifty-three-foot-long semi-trailers and trucks will arrive to be loaded. A half hour before the first truck shows up the crane truck will pull into the driveway to facilitate the safe loading. Over the last few days, we’ve carefully measured each palletized feature and arranged them in order of loading. A space for the five ton crane has been cleared as well as room for the forklift and pushing rig to maneuver in order to slide the very heavy loads into the van trailer. A little extra space is left behind that to allow our tractor to push the forklift if we need just a little extra oomph to get it to slide in. Tomorrow we’ll check every single bolt holding the features to the custom pallets one last time. Eye bolts, slings and other lifting hardware will be laid at the ready. We’ll dig out the hard hats, and safety vests and review the safety procedures with the entire crew. Then it will be go time. Stay tuned…