Walking the walk

The giant pumper truck and the concrete placing crew arrived at the Hazelnut Inn shortly before noon. By the time they had set up the concrete also arrived and the show began. The crew did a great job filling the forms and carefully troweled it all smooth with our splashing concrete all over our finished walls. Then our crew began tossing in rocks of various sizes along the edges and troweling it smooth once again. There was a method to our madness as Peter intended to expose the concrete as soon as it had set sufficiently. The winding walk instantly looked ancient, to perfectly tell the story of the North Star suite. In 30 days we’ll add some dye to warmly colour the walkway so it better resembles a well-worn dirt path. In ten days there will be another flurry of activity in the garden as we place the last of the prefabricated features and all of the soil for the plants. It is all rapidly coming together as it needs to for there are only seventy-nine days until the grand opening…